Press and Communication Department [sv]

Mission and presentation

The Press and Communication Department has three main functions: media watch, information and public diplomacy, and media support.

1. Media watch

The Press and Communication Department monitors the Swedish media (newspapers and serious weeklies, television, radio, Internet sites, blogs etc.), identifying the main issues, analysing coverage of them and noting trends and developments.

  • It reports to the Ambassador, to the different Embassy departments in Sweden and to main decision-makers in Paris.
  • Ad hoc reports are sent to Paris on specific issues raised in the press.

2. Information and public diplomacy

The Press and Communication Department has a regularly up-dated Internet site with postings of France’s main foreign policy statements and information on the different French government services in Sweden, Franco-Swedish cooperation and France in general. The Internet site is also a portal for France’s other official websites.

3. Media support

The Press and Communication Department supports Swedish journalists wishing to secure interviews with French political VIPs and helps with the requisite organization. It can also assist French correspondents in Sweden and journalists accompanying a French VIP.


Embassy of France
Press and communication
Kommendörsgatan 13
Box 5135, 102 43 Stockholm

Updated 18/11/2020

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