Regional Economic Department (RED) [fr] [sv]

Mission and presentation

The Regional Economic Department (RED) in Stockholm is an external service of the French Treasury, which coordinates the activities of Economic Departments (ED) in the Nordic countries area, located in Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo. As such, the RED in Stockholm coordinates and publishes every two weeks the “Quinzaine Nordique”, a production co-written by all the ED established in the Nordic countries, giving an overview of the economic and financial news in the Nordic area. The RED in Stockholm also organized, in collaboration with the ED of Copenhagen, Helsinki and Oslo, a French-Nordic Conference held on November, 28th 2016 at the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Paris with the French Minister of the Economy and Finance Mr Michel Sapin, the former Minister for Economic Affairs in Finland Mr Olli Rehn, the State Secretary for the Digital Sector and Innovation Ms Axelle Lemaire, and many high-level French and Nordic public and private stakeholders.

The RED in Stockholm is directly responsible for Sweden and Iceland and performs, under the authority of the Ambassador, the following tasks:

  • To inform the French authorities on the economic situation of the Nordic countries so as to help them understand how do the "Nordic models" work in many fields of interest like the financial sector, public policies and reforms, competitiveness, energy, environment, transport and innovation. In this regard, the RED in Stockholm is the 5th most solicited Economic Department in the world (on par with the RED in the United States), as regards the number of comparative studies requested by French authorities on subjects of interest to France;
  • To contribute to the organization of official visits to Sweden of French delegations and schedule meetings with all stakeholders (Government, Swedish public institutions, professional associations and economic actors). The RED in Stockholm can also assist Swedish institutional actors in organizing their trips to France and in their meetings with French actors, in direct collaboration with the Swedish Embassy in France;
  • To contribute to the objectives of the “economic diplomacy” by participating in the coordination of the French economic actors in Sweden (Business France, French Chamber of Commerce in Sweden) and by promoting French-Swedish commercial relations. The RED in Stockholm participated in the launch of the “French Tech Sweden” in 2015, which became the “French Tech Nordic” (@FrenchTechNord) in October 2016 and continues to support the initiative. The RED has also coordinated the drafting and publication of the special issue of "Revue Echanges internationaux" dedicated to Sweden. Finally, the RED informs the relevant actors about the opportunities in transport and urbanism in Sweden, through the publication of an “Information letter on urban and transport issues in Sweden”;
  • To contribute, at its level, to the success of the top priorities set by the French public authorities. In 2015 and 2016, the SER has organized several events in Stockholm as part of the preparation and follow-up of the COP21 / Paris Agreement (e.g. conference on adaptation to climate change organized with the Stockholm Environment Institute in June 2015, seminar on the COP21 Action Agenda organized with Global Utmaning at the Historiska Museet in June 2016 and EU Climate Diplomacy Week in September 2016 with the organization of a seminar at Europahuset).

The RED in Stockholm is a service of the French State, which answers primarily to the requests of the French public authorities under the authority of the Ambassador. In principle, it is not competent to answer to the demands of individuals and invites them to take contact with the relevant stakeholders. French companies (especially SMEs) interested in exporting to the Nordic countries (prospect, R&D, market research) are invited to get directly in touch with Business France and the French Chamber of Commerce in Sweden.


Regional Economic Department (RED)
Storgatan 11
114 44 Stockholm

Twitter: @FRTreasury_Nord

Mr. Olivier Cuny
Head of Regional Economic Department

Ms. Ingalill D’Armaille
Deputy Head of Mission, Counsellor for financial affairs, Nordic countries

M. Frédéric Lemaitre
Counsellor for public management, state reform and regulation

M. Julien Grosjean
Counsellor for energy, environment and agriculture

Ms. Pauline Reyl
Attachée for transport, infrastructure and ICT

Updated 11/09/2023

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